Winter 2018
Blues Farley, Our Family Friend
Mono No Aware, All Things Must Pass
Second Edition, Better Than the First
Interview with Robb Scott, Editor and Founder

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The ESL MiniConference web-publishing family has a NEW PROJECT called the Multilingual Adaptive Systems Newsletter -- See the inaugural edition (summer 2020) and the winter (2020-2021) online now!
NEW BOOK The Heart of the Matter: Five ESL Leaders and the Impact They’ve Had
NEW BOOK Cross-Cultural Engineers: 61 Teachers Devoted to Building Bridges
NEW BOOK Embracing Life: Cancer Survival as the Subtext for New Writing
NEW BOOK Defining Moments: ESL MiniConference Articles from 2011 to 2014
NEW BOOK The Manhattan Years: ESL MiniConference Articles from 2005 to 2009
NEW BOOK Responding to the 9-11 Attack: The Early Years of ESL MiniConference Online
Current Articles
The Year 2018
Ineffable in English? Exploring the Meaning of the Japanese Phrase "Mono No Aware" (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
In Memory and In Honor of Timothy "Blues" Farley (1949-2018) (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
Valentina Serbinova Joins Dave Hopkins in Announcing the Second Edition of SMOOTH MOVES: How to Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
An Interview with Dr. Robert Bruce Scott, Editor and Founder of the ESL MiniConference Online (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
The Year 2016
Interview with ESL MiniConference Editor Robb Scott on Future Directions of the Newsletter (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
New Teacher-Training Initiative in Siem Reap, Cambodia: Interview with Project Managing Director Jacqueline Fragata (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
The Year 2015
A Sense of Loss: The Silence Isn't Yours Anymore (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
Assessment-Based Language Education - PDF Document Only (Dave Hopkins / Banphe, THAILAND)
The Importance of Friends in My Life (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
The Importance of Mentors in My Life (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
The Year 2014
ESL MiniConference Founder Locked In Epic CEC-DDEL Leadership Struggle (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
Dr. Donald Huffman, Professor Emeritus of Central College, Pella, IOWA (1929-2014) (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
What Does Action Research Really Tell Us About the Effects of Our Teaching? (Dave Hopkins / Banphe, THAILAND)
How To Destroy A Group Project - With Insights from John Mohn (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
Are You Following a Pied Piper? Or Your Own Inner Compass? (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Hays, KANSAS)
The Year 2013
Right Livelihood: Insights on Ethical Teacher Development (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Ideas Are Better Than Stuff: A Response to Clair Huffaker's Novel (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Affordable, Innovative B.A. in TESOL: Interview with Bruce Veldhuisen, Director of International Programs, Thongsook College (Dave Hopkins / Bangkok, THAILAND)
Getting Beyond the Popular Debate: Critical Points on Common Core (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Teacher Learning in Language Teaching: Professional Development Today (Dave Hopkins / Bangkok, THAILAND)
Developing Workforce Skills: Review of Pro Lingua's "What's Ahead?" (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Creating a Context for Dave Hopkins and Zen TESOL (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Manhattan, KANSAS)
The Dave Hopkins Festschrift - Summer 2012
My Former Student (Ray Clark / Brattleboro, VERMONT)
Cross-Cultural Colleague (Tadashi Shiozawa / Kasugai, JAPAN)
A Man with Verve (Diane Larsen-Freeman / Ann Arbor, MICHIGAN)
Tough Love (Marc Helgesen / Sendai, JAPAN)
Kindred Spirit (Bruce A. Veldhuisen / Rayong, THAILAND)
TESOL Standard Bearer (Robb Scott / Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA)
A Job Well Done (Steve Wade / THAILAND)
Spring 2012
Lamar Responds to Adversity with Determination and Vigor (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA)
Announcing the Zen TESOL Reader and Website - (David Hopkins / Banphe, THAILAND)
An Argument Favoring Authentic Materials Over Textbooks (Ashley Green / Norfolk, VIRGINIA)
Report from Riyadh - Early Spring - Reconnecting with My ESL Mentor (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA)
Mid Winter 2012
Working with the Children of Madagascar to Keep the Towns of Ranomafana National Park Clean (Heather Giselle Scott / New York, NEW YORK)
This is Why You Need to Go to California in April: CATESOL 2012 (Interview with Judith O'Loughlin / Oakland, CALIFORNIA)
Keeping an Even Keel in All Phases of Your ESL/EFL Teaching Career (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Manhattan, KANSAS)
The Roles of Student Errors (and Our Own) in Developing Self-Efficacy (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Late Autumn 2011The Need to Expand the ESL/EFL Curriculum to Incorporate Intercultural Competencies (Alvino E. Fantini, Ph.D. / Brattleboro, VERMONT)
Mapping a Lifelong Growth Trajectory for ESL/EFL Teacher Trainers (And Their Students) (David Hopkins / Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA)
NCLB 2.0: Can the Public Schools of the Land of the Free Deliver an Empowerment Curriculum? (Robb Scott, Ed.D. / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Mid Autumn 2011
ESL MiniConference Publishes Its First Spanish Article! (Meribel Osorio / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Local Citizen Ignites a Revolution in Lamar Public Schools (Robb Scott / Lamar, COLORADO)
The Challenge of Changing an Intensive ESL System (Ashley Green / Norfolk, VIRGINIA)
My Cultural Journey So Far in Life (Dr. Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Reprise, a Decade Later: NYSTESOL 2001 in Rye Brook (Dr. Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Skill-Building Software to Make ESL Programs Relevant (Dr. Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Late Summer 2011
First Novel by Veteran ESL Teacher a Success! (Richard Goodwin / Vancouver, WASHINGTON)
Achievement Profile: Motivated Students, Linguistic Knowledge, and Enthusiastic Teachers (Ashley Green / Norfolk, VIRGINIA)
New Article: Reaching a High Academic and Career Goal (Dr. Robert Bruce Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Autumn Journal Special Issue 2010
Journal Article: Motivational Factors in the ESL Classroom (Kevin Baublitz / Hankuk University, KOREA)
Journal Article: English Learning as Peace Education (David Hopkins / Rayong, THAILAND)
Summer 2009
Achievement Profile: Donald Cherry (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
What Is in Your Heart? Showing Respect
in ESL/EFL (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Why Are You Smiling? (Mary Giles / Seattle, WASHINGTON)
The TALGS Poster Sessions: Report from TALGS 2009 (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Bilingual Education is Alive and Well
in Kansas: My Youngest Son's Reading Progress (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Spring 2009
Achievement Profile: Angela DiCostanzo (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Washington State Adjuncts Win Retroactive Benefits (synopsis of article from Adjunct Nation)
TEFL Life Introduces a New Pre-Service Training Model (TEFL Life Press Release / THAILAND)
Jodi Crandall Describes New Roles for ESL/EFL Teachers: Report from TALGS 2009 (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Articulating Content, Clarifying Form: Report from TALGS 2009 Morning Sessions (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Winter 2008-2009
Getting Beyond the Classic
Unconscious-Conscious Language Acquisition Debate (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
The Ideal ESL/EFL Program (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
The Night After Christmas (Mary Giles / Seattle, WASHINGTON)
Reflections on the
Meaning of Thanksgiving (Rosemary Schmid / Charlotte, NORTH CAROLINA)
Late Summer 2008
A Note on the Occasion of Bill Scott's 48th Birthday (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Achievement Profile: Enid Cocke (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Students Speaking Their Essays (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Jodi Crandall Highlights 6th Annual TALGS Event [Related blog] (Zuzana Elliott, Yi Sun, and Lamont Cannon / Greenville, NORTH CAROLINA)
Building an Inclusive Society (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Winter 2008
A Tribute to Harold "Mel" Melville, 1945-2008 (Compilation by Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Reflections on the Purpose of Our ESL/EFL Activity (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Signs of Progress on the Issue of Immigrant Rights (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Fall 2007
Bringing Real World Data into an Intensive ESL Class: From Silko to Sacagawea (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Achievement Profile: Jidapa Promruang (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Activity List for Logical Conversation Method Expands (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
One Hundred and One Reminders that Bilingual Education Works! (ESL MiniConference Review of a New Book by James Crawford & Stephen Krashen / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Summer 2007
California ESL Teacher Honored by International Reading Association (News Release / Sacramento, CALIFORNIA)
Putting Lou Spaventa's "Stranger in Town" into Context: A Thank-You to Prolingua Associates (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Crackdown on Teaching Visas in China Ahead of 2008 Olympics? (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
The Magic of Stories (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Dismissal of Editor at TESOL's "Essential Teacher" Ignites Controversy (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Spring 2007
Achievement Profile: Naomi Ossar (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Report from TALGS 2007! (Bill Isler / Greenville, NORTH CAROLINA)
Elementary Educator Honored with Exceptional Opportunity Award (Press Release from Kansas CEC / McPherson, KANSAS)
Being an Authentic ESL/EFL Teacher in the 21st Century (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
A Description of a Recreational Reading Activity at the College Level (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Winter 2006-2007
Achievement Profile: Greg Kessler (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Sign-up Window Jan. 1-14: EVO 2007! (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Tumultuous Debate Over Dictionaries at TESL-L (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Trend Towards Discrete Phonics on State Assessments Threatens Language Learning Success of ESL Students in Public Schools (Jennifer Sijmons / CONNECTICUT)
Bill Zimmerman's Cool Interface for Creating ESL/EFL Comic Strips (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Jan. 5 Deadline to Submit a Proposal for TALGS 2007! (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Being Here Now on Broadway and 66th: Reprint from 1998 (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Autumn 2006
Achievement Profile: Sonia Nieto (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
My Old Wrestling Coach: Steve Wolf (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Exclusive Interview with James Crawford (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Kansas TESOL Mourns the Loss of Krishna Chawla (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Life After TESL (Barbara Matthies / Ames, IOWA)
Preview of the 44th Annual Kansas CEC Conference (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Late Summer 2006
Does TESL-L Need to Update Its Editorial Policies? (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Achievement Profile: Katherine Langan (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Outdated English Teaching Methods and Materials at U.S. Cultural Centers (Salissou Issa / Niamey, NIGER)
Achievement Profile: Valerie Whiteson (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
U.S. District Court Defends Rights
of Westchester ESL Adjuncts (Patrick Munroe / Valhalla, NEW YORK)
Summer 2006
Achievement Profile: Virginia LoCastro (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Statement from Haiti TESOL on U.S. Immigration Debate (Jean Frantzy Italien / Miragoane, HAITI)
A Note on the Passing of LIOJ (Bill Gatton / Tokyo, JAPAN)
Why I Write Lesson Plans (Maria Spelleri / Sarasota, FLORIDA)
The Role of Textbooks in the ESOL Classroom (Valerie Whiteson / Ra'anana, ISRAEL)
In Defense of Textbooks
(Terry Said / Warren, MICHIGAN)
Making a List, Checking it Twice
(Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
A Classical Essay About Summer Vacation (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Spring 2006
Report from the 3rd Annual TESOL/Applied Linguistics Graduate Students Conference (Bill Isler / Greenville, NORTH CAROLINA)
Controversy Over Firing of James Crawford Threatens Future of NABE (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Students at Center of English Teaching Expo in Thailand! (Supalak Komarakul Na Nagara, Ph.D., Robert E. Woodhead / Bangkok, THAILAND)
Achievement Profile: Charles Adamson (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Keynote By Kathy Escamilla Stirs Grassroots Activism (Robb Scott / Manhattan, KANSAS)
Winter 2005-2006
Intensive English Programs Are Bouncing Back, International Student Numbers Up (KATESOL Press Release)
Kansas State University Prepares to Host Record Crowds at KATESOL/BE 2006! (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
Achievement Profile: Diane Larsen-Freeman (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
Achievement Profile: Bruce A. Veldhuisen (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
Autumn 2005
TESOL Issues Statement on U.S. Visa Policies (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
In Memory of Nadia Shahin, ESL Teacher and Masters Candidate (from online reports)
Nuanced Decision By NYSTESOL in Face of NYU Picket Lines (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
New Round
of ESL Achievement Profiles: Interview with Mary Giles (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
New Round of ESL Achievement Profiles: Interview with James Asher (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
September 2005
Hurricane Katrina Impacts ESL Professionals in Southeast United States (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
ESL MiniConference Launches New Round of Achievement Profiles (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
Heartland States Now Centers for New ESL/EFL Growth (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
July 2005
Open-Source Conference on Moodle Awaits Grateful Webheads (Information from NETEACH Listserv / Vance Stevens, Abu Dhabi)
Getting the Dialogue Started Between ESL and SPED Practitioners (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
Asher and Sperling to Speak at Myrtle Beach (Robb Scott / Manhattan, Kansas)
May 2005
Remembering Judi Hirsch, Special Educator (Information from Internet Sources / ESL MiniConference)
Words Spoken at the 8th Annual AGL Honors Pinning Ceremony (Robb Scott / Hays, Kansas)
Is It Time for a New Perspective Four Years After 9-11? (Robb Scott / Hays, Kansas)
Ten of This Month's Most
Influential ESL/EFL Stories (Web Tracking / ESL MiniConference)
April 2005
New TESOL President, Elliot Judd, Makes a Difference in West Virginia English-Only Fight (News from Internet Sources / ESL MiniConference)
"Si Se Puede!: Impressionistic Tour of TESOL 2005 in San Antonio (Robb Scott / Hays, Kansas)
ESL Activities
Around the World for April (Notices Received via Internet)
Riding the Heartland Flyer, a Nostalgic Train Trip From Oklahoma to Texas (Robb Scott / Hays, Kansas)
March 2005
Communicative Language Teaching and the NCAA Tournament: A Perfect Match (Robb Scott / Hays, Kansas)
The Crisis in English for International Communication (Dave Hopkins / TEFL International)
Meltdown Continues: Immigrants Target of New Bill (Linda Kenepaske / New York City)
Is a Lecture Format Compatible with Mediated Learning Environments? (Robb Scott / Hays, Kansas)
Kansas TESOL and Literacy Educators Make Common Cause to Keep Funding (KATESOL Letter Reprinted)
December 2004
Natural Disaster Hits Southeast Asian Coastlines (December 26, 2004)
Remembering FLEAT II at Chubu Daigaku (August 4-7, 1992)
***Photos of FLEAT II Participants***
International Student Presence Declines at American Schools (NAFSA Fall Survey)
Auld Lang Syne: Seeing the Year Out (Meribel Osorio interviews Robb Scott, ESL MiniConference Editor)
November 2004
An Advocate for Renewed Activism in ESL/EFL (Report on Stephen Krashen)
Transition, Turmoil, and Hope: The ESL Profession After 9-11 (New Book Edited by Robb Scott)
400 Expected at KATESOL 2005 in Emporia! (KATESOL / February 18-19, 2005 / Emporia, KANSAS)
Recognizing the Dedicated ESL Teachers of Kansas (First Annual KATESOL Honor Roll Announced)
February 2004
Kansas TESOL Prepares for Record Attendance (KATESOL / March 12-13, 2004 / Hays, KANSAS)
Alluring Strand of Sessions for Adult/IEP Educators (KATESOL / March 12-13, 2004 / Hays, KANSAS)
Solid Sessions Set for Pre-K to 12 Teachers, Administrators (KATESOL / March 12-13, 2004 / Hays, KANSAS)
January 2004
TESOL 2004 Kicks Off With "Electronic Village" Online Sessions! (Daphne Gonzalez / Caracas, VENEZUELA)
Preview of "Peace as a Global Language" Conference (Call for Participation / Kyoto, JAPAN)
ESL MiniConference Update: Interview with Editor Robb Scott (Meribel Osorio / Hays, KANSAS)
How Much Comprehensible Input is Enough? (Charles Adamson / Miyagi University, JAPAN)
Remembering Michael Two Horses, 1950-2003 (Gina Boltz / Posted on NAME Listserv)
Great Protest Song for Content-Based Instruction (Robb Scott / Hays, KANSAS)
December 2003
Is the ESL/EFL Distinction Relevant? (JALTTALK Discussion / Shizuoka, JAPAN)
Bread or Butter: Hard Choices for ESL Part-timers (Tanya Tweeton / Broward County, FLORIDA)
Seeking Enlightenment at Rocky Mountain TESOL (Robb Scott / Denver, COLORADO)
First Alert: 2004 KATESOL Spring Conference! (Robb Scott / Hays, KANSAS)
November 2003
Achievement Profile: Sandra J. Savignon (Communicative Language Teaching / University Park, PENNSYLVANIA)
Achievement Profile: Gavin McCardle (English-to-Go / Auckland, NEW ZEALAND)
First-hand Report from TESOL Peace Forum (Robb Scott / Washington, D.C.)
An Insider Update on New York City's Radical ESL Restructuring Experiment (Virginia Jama / Staten Island, NEW YORK)
October 2003
Festschrift: Remembering Dr. Gregory (John Brewer / Overland Park, KANSAS)
Festschrift: Memories of O. Dean Gregory From John (John Fanselow / Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND)
Festschrift: My Memories of Dr. O. Dean Gregory (Kenji Kitao / Kyoto, JAPAN)
Festschrift: In Memory of Dr. Dean Gregory (Kazunori Nozawa / Kusatsu, JAPAN)
Festschrift: Career Foundation (Warren B. Roby / Siloam Springs, ARKANSAS)
Festschrift: Dr. Gregory's Example (Robert Scott / Hays, KANSAS)
Festschrift: Not the Last Word (Margaret Scheirman / Minneapolis, MINNESOTA)
Articles from 2003
Articles from 2002 4th Quarter
Articles from 2002 3rd Quarter
Articles from 2002 2nd Quarter
Articles from 2002 1st Quarter
Articles from 2001
Copyright 2001-2011, ESL MiniConference Online