November 2004
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KATESOL 2005 Preview
KATESOL Honor Roll
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Language Learning in the Digital Age
Preview of KATESOL/BE 2005 Conference
There is a great deal of anticipation ahead of this year's
annual conference of the Kansas Association of Teachers
of English to Speakers of Other Languages and Bilingual
Educators (KATESOL/BE), February 18-19, 2005, to be hosted
by the Department of Modern Languages and the Jones
Institute of Educational Excellence at Emporia State
University, in Emporia, Kansas. The conference theme
is "Language Learning in the Digital Age." There were
more than 100 registrations by the "early-bird" deadline,
November 15th, and conference organizers are predicting
400-500 attendees for what is quickly becoming the
most important annual TESOL event in the central
states region. The conference chair is KATESOL/BE
First Vice-President Kristin Grayson.
Click here for Conference Updates!
Click here for Conference Registration info!
Last year's KATESOL Conference (March 12-13, 2004) in
Hays, Kansas, was attended by 300 ESL professionals
from throughout the state of Kansas and from as far away
as California, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., and
several participants from outside the United States.
Click to read the report from KATESOL 2004!
Click for video streams from KATESOL 2004!
Order keynotes from KATESOL 2004 on DVD!
KATESOL/BE 2005 will feature keynote presentations
and workshops by the following highly respected and very
well-known ESL/EFL professionals:
Dr. David and Dr. Yvonne Freeman, University of Texas Pan American
Mira Mdivani, Esq., The Mdivani Law Firm, Overland Park, Kansas
Greg Kessler, Ohio Program of Intensive English, Ohio University
Dr. Paul Chamness Miller, University of Cincinnati
In a welcome letter for KATESOL 2005 participants,
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius lauded the accomplishments of
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for educating thousands
of young children, supporting adult literacy, empowering Kansas's
immigrants and international students with English language skills.
The success of our communities, our families, and our children's lives
depends on the ability to provide them the education and means to
communicate effectively in our society. Your work and leadership
on this important issue will provide many citizens of Kansas the
ability to reach their potential....Best wishes for a successful
and productive conference.
One major event at KATESOL/BE 2005 will be the first annual KATESOL Honor Roll,
which will recognize ESOL endorsed teachers in P-12 schools as well as ESL teachers
and/or teacher trainers at the state's institutions of higher education and adult learning
"Academic success for English language learners is rapidly becoming the number
one priority in our public schools, community centers, colleges and universities,"
explained Robb Scott, KATESOL President. "Hundreds of teachers have retooled their
classroom practices to incorporate ESOL strategies."
"The KATESOL Honor Roll is being
established to reflect the importance of the work done
by ESOL professionals on behalf of these learners," Scott
said. "Thanks to the efforts of our ESOL endorsed and
other ESL teachers, Kansas is experiencing a smooth
transition to a more multicultural and multilingual
Other featured sessions at KATESOL/BE 2005 in Emporia:
"A Rural ESL Academic Delivery Model for Minority Youths"
by Dr. Roger A. Baskerville, Superintendent, Golden Plains USD 316
"Observation Protocol for ELL Strategies in Mainstream Classes" by Karen Detrixhe, Doctoral Student, and Francie Christopher, Doctoral Student, Curriculum & Instruction, KU, and KU/USD 501 Title VI Federal Grant
"NCLB and Strategies for Families of ELL Students"
by Nancy Kraft, Ph.D., Director, Kansas Parent Information Resource Center
"Preparing Migrant Preschoolers (and their Parents) for Success in School"
by Dr. Socorro G. Herrera, Dr. Linda S. Trujillo, Mrs. Laura Cano, Kansas State University
"The Praxis Content Test for ESOL Endorsement"
by Melanie McCoy, ESOL Consultant, Kansas State Department of Education
"Creating An Online Tutorial for Teachers Working with ELLs"
by Judith O'Loughlin, Past President, New Jersey TESOL/BE
"Using PDAs to Track SIOP Observations"
by Dr. Della Perez, Associate Director, Project ALCANCE Title III Grant, Kansas State University
"Managing an Effective ESOL Program in Your District"
"One Size Doesn’t Fit All"
by Michelle Russell and Patty Meier, Hesston Schools USD 460
"Supporting Language Skills for Transition with Conversation Flowcharts"
by Robert Bruce Scott, Assistant Professor of Special Education/ESOL, Fort Hays State University
"Critical Technological Competence: The Case of a TESOL Teacher Education Program"
by Dr. Abdelilah Salim Sehlaoui, Director of TESOL Teacher Education Programs, Emporia State University
"Improving Access to ESOL Endorsement Programs for Kansas Teachers"
by Dr. Abdelilah Salim Sehlaoui, Director of TESOL Teacher Education Programs, Emporia State University
and Robert Bruce Scott, Assistant Professor of Special Education/ESOL, Fort Hays State University
"Success Story & Tips for ESOL Preparation to Meet KSDE/NCATE Standards"
by Dr. Anh Tran, ESOL Endorsement Program Director, Wichita State University
"A Missing Dimension in Second Language Teaching: Cultural Identity"
by Xun Zhao, Doctoral Student in TESOL, New Mexico State University
One of the highlights at each year's KATESOL Conference is
the annual Roundtable of ESOL Program Directors, which focuses
nearly entirely on discussions of issues related to the
P-12 ESOL Endorsement Programs at eight different Kansas
institutions of higher education.
Click for videostream from 2003 Roundtable!
Participants expected at the 2005 Roundtable of ESOL Program Directors:
Dr. Socorro Herrera, Kansas State University
Dr. Placido (Art) Hoernicke, Fort Hay State University
Mr. Shane Kirchner, McPherson College
Dr. Katherine Langan, Sterling College (endorsement program submitted)
Dr. Paul Markham, University of Kansas
Dr. Diane J. Marvin, Newman University
Dr. Salim Sehlaoui, Emporia State University
Dr. Tatiana Sildus, Pittsburg State University
Dr. Anh Tran, Wichita State University
For more information about KATESOL/BE, please
contact Conference Chair Kristin Grayson at
To join a growing list of publishers exhibiting
at KATESOL/BE 2005, please contact Kim Kreicker
at kimyarla@sunflower.com.
2004 ESL MiniConference Online