October 2003
Memories of O. Dean Gregory from John by John Fanselow
Remembering Dr. Gregory by John Brewer
Not the Last Word by Margaret Scheirman
Dr. Gregory's Example by Robb Scott
My Memories of Dr. O. Dean Gregory by Kenji Kitao
Career Foundation by Warren Roby
In Memory of Dr. Dean Gregory by Kazunori Nozawa
O. Dean Gregory Festschrift
on the ESL MiniConference
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Remembering Dr. Gregory
Contributed by John Brewer
The most delightful memory I have of Professor Dean
Gregory dates back to my tenure as a graduate teaching
assistant at the Applied English Center. I was part of
a loose gang of AEC teachers that devoted a fair
of time to fun. I was both inspired and surpassed in
pursuit by Martha Harris, who stayed around the AEC to
how many other faculty members she could outlive. One
Martha proposed a fun project that never came to pass,
far as I know. "Let's everybody bring their baby
and we'll display them and then guess who the babies
Martha was pretty gung ho for this idea, but that goes
saying. I don't recall if anybody actually brought
their baby pictures,
but I remember Dr. Gregory saying that there wouldn't
be much mystery
about his picture. "Mine would be the only one that
was a daguerreotype!"
he said with a characteristic sparkle in his eye.
Dr. Gregory was on my Master's committee and was
always punctual
and supportive. While at the AEC, I served on several
with him and even carried out a research project that
he had designed.
There were always a few disgruntled AEC students who
felt that the time
they spent in remedial English classes was wasted.
They were certain
that with determination they could dive right into
their course of
study at KU and succeed, despite failing one or more
parts of the
Michigan Test.
ODG wanted to document the academic performance of
students who had either dropped out of the AEC before
satisfactory proficiency test scores or who had evaded
it altogether
and gone on to take other KU courses. Armed with Dr.
Gregory's list of
dropouts and no-shows, I went to the academic computer
system in Strong
Hall and compiled a list of courses that these
students had enrolled in.
I then circulated questionnaires to their professors.
After processing the
responses of professors who could actually remember
these students, we found
that almost all of them had either dropped their KU
courses or performed
abysmally in them. Whether Dr. Gregory was able to use
this research in
arguing for the validity of the AEC courses and its
testing policy, I do
not know. But I have no doubt that there are still
disgrunted AEC students
for whom no amount of documentation will cut any ice.
Dr. Gregory's declared personal philosophy was never
to be satisfied with
anything he did. I suppose that he considered this to
be a sign of good
character. My own feeling was that whatever I did
today was as good as
it was going to be and that tomorrow could bring
different and possibly
better results. He never tried to convert me to his
brand of self criticism,
and for that I am grateful. For my part, I never
suggested that he pitch about
sixty percent of the journals and file folders and
books that clogged his office,
although some of us considered doing this for him by
stealth. I went out to visit
Dr. Gregory at his country home after learning of his
diagnosis. He was watching
one of the women's Olympic soccer games on TV, as I
recall. We watched the game,
talked about how his treatment was progressing, and
otherwise managed to pass a cordial
forty-five minutes or so. Then it was time for me to
go. He came out to the gate to
wave good-bye as I backed my car around in the drive
outside his fence. I will always
remember the cheerful and peaceful smile on his face.
John Brewer
Above All Software
Lawrence, Kansas
2003 ESL MiniConference Online