Winter 2006-2007
Achievement Profile: Greg Kessler
Register in Jan. for EVO 2007
Intensive Phonics Replacing ESL in Some Schools
Which Dictionary?
Students Making Comic Strips
TESOL / Applied Linguistics Grad Students to Meet!
Being Here Now on Broadway 66th
Update from the Editor

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Exciting (and Free) Online Training
Stalwarts in ESL/EFL Web Community Lead This Year's EVO Offerings
The CALL Interest Section of international TESOL has announced the details of this year's "Electronic Village Online," a free opportunity for both members and non-members of TESOL to gain vital training and share virtual learning experiences with ESL/EFL colleagues around the world.
The EVO (Electronic Village
Online) coordination team includes: Dafne González (Coordinator), Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, VENEZUELA; Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, California State University, Sacramento/Command Performance Language Institute, Sacramento, CALIFORNIA; Chris Jones, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES; Aiden Yeh, Wen Zao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung,TAIWAN; Buthaina al Othman, Kuwait University, Kuwait City, KUWAIT; Nicolas Gromik, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN; Susan Marandi, Al-Zahra University, Teheran, IRAN; Paula Emmert, Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VIRGINIA; Christine Bauer-Ramazani (CALL IS liaison), St. Michael's College, Cochester, VERMONT; Vance Stevens (TESOL PDC liaison), Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.
There is a specific window of opportunity, January 1-14, 2007, for people to register for the Electronic Village Online. Registration will be achieved via yahoo group links at the end of the online description of each session. The descriptions identify target audience and provide a week-by-week syllabus for each session. Sessions will run online for six weeks, from January 15, 2007 to February 25, 2007. Again, enrollment and participation in the Electronic Village Online is free of charge and not limited to TESOL members.
At the annual TESOL Convention in March, there will be related Electronic Village presentations and possible meetings of EVO session leaders and participants.
An ESP Potpourri:Business, Legal, Science & Technology, Medical ESP
Christine Parkhurst, Associate Professor, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; Buthaina Al-Othman, EFL and ESP instructor, the Language Center of Kuwait University; Debra Lee, Senior English Language Fellow, Prague, Czech Republic; Mark R. Freiermuth, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of International Communication, Gunma Prefectural Women's University.
Beginning Internet Activities
JoAnn Miller, consultant and materials developer, MEXICO.
Becoming a Webhead
Dafne Gonzalez, EFL/ESP teacher, Professor, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, Coordinator, TESOL Electronic Village Online; Teresa Almeida d’Eça, EFL teacher, Lisbon, Portugal; Cristina Costa, EFL Teacher and Educational Technology learner, PORTUGAL; Cora Chen, ESL instructor, City College of San Francisco, curriculum developer, KQED Education Network; Hala Fawzi, EFL Lecturer, University of Technology and Science, Khartoum, Sudan; Moira Hunter, language trainer (MEd ELT), qualified online tutor (LeTTOL) and synchronous instructional designer and moderator (SLE).
Blogging for Beginners
Carla Arena, EFL teacher, teacher trainer, site content manager, Casa Thomas Jefferson,
International Exchange, Brasilia; Gladys Baya, EFL teacher and teacher educator, ARGENTINA; María Claudia Bellusci, EFL teacher and teacher trainer, ARGENTINA; Erika Cruvinel, EFL teacher, computer lab monitor and site co-manager, Casa Thomas Jefferson, Binational Center, Brasília; Silvana Carnicero, EFL teacher, ARGENTINA.
Digital Gaming and Language Learning
Kyle Mawer, DELTA qualified EFL teacher, British Council Young Learners Centre; Nicholas Noakes, Director, Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Graham Stanley, ICT co-ordinator, EFL Teacher, British Council, teacher of "English for Tourism," University of Ramon Llull, Barcelona, SPAIN; Rita Zeinstejer, EFL teacher, Self Access Laboratory and Multimedia Coordinator, Asociación Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa, CALL SIG coordinator, ARGENTINA.
E-assessment Tools for Language Teaching
Hyman Wong, works in the field of IT in Education for the Hong Kong Government, teaches at City University of Hong Kong; Anne Koorey, ESL teacher, Adult Migrant English Service, Sydney, Australia; Hana Prashker, instructor and technical support person at a community college ESL department in NEW JERSEY.
ESL/EFL Student Video Production
Ryan Detwiler, founder, ESL Video, Inc., CALIFORNIA; Nicolas Gromik, currently works at Tohoku University, JAPAN.
Readers’ Theatre: A Passage to Language
Gary Carkin, actor/director and Professor of ESOL, Institute for Language Education, Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester; Nigel Caplan, ESL instructor, Michigan State University, and a member of his local community theater group; Sarah Dodson-Knight, French teacher, Colorado State University; Judy Trupin, involved with all aspects of theater, from directing to writing to performing and stage managing and has worked as an artist in schools, taught dance, yoga, and creative movement, Assistant Program Manager, Queens Library, New York City; Yordana Hristosova, Ph.D. candidate, Sofia University, BULGARIA; Susan Hillyard, Educational Advisor for The Performers Theatre, educational consultant, author.
Student Assumptions Regarding Good Teaching
Thomas Gault, educational consultant, GENERAL MOTORS.
Teaching with PowerPoint
Christine Bauer-Ramazani, founded and led EVO from 2000-2004, member of the TESOL CALL-IS Steering Committee, teaches ESL, Academic English, and teacher training (MATESL) courses at Saint Michael's College; Roger Drury, IEP teacher, Georgia Tech; Paula Emmert, adjunct ESL professor, Northern Virginia Community College, teaches online for the Graduate School of Education (FAST TRAIN) at George Mason University; member of the CALL-IS Steering Committee; Kent Matsueda, CALL/EFL teacher, Kanazawa Technical College; Jessica Noyes, ESL and Spanish teacher, St. Michael's College, VERMONT; Sandy Wagner, Assistant Professor of Faculty Development, Department of Defense, Defense Language Institute, member of the TESOL CALL-IS Steering Committee.
Tips and Tricks for Successful Online Teaching and Learning:
Facilitating Authentic Use of English
David Winet, creator of StudyCom English for Internet, "where real teachers could connect with real students to study English"; Deena Lynn Furgerson began teaching EFL about fifteen years ago in Italy, contacted StudyCom English for Internet in 2002 and has been teaching English there since, organizes English courses for adults, and does translation work; Malcolm James, a popular teacher on StudyCom for several years; Ali Boumoussa, teaches ESL in Morocco and online at StudyCom; Eric Paul Monroe, has taught extensively in China, at StudyCom, and at his own online school at
Webcast Academy
Jeff Lebow, general manager and "chief plumber," Worldbridges Network, co-host, EdTechTalk, EdTechWeekly, Bow, NEW HAMPSHIRE; Vance Stevens, Computing Lecturer, Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, founder and moderator, Webheads Community of Practice, consultant, online facilitator and coach; Graham Stanley, ICT co-ordinator, EFL Teacher, British Council in Barcelona, teacher of "English for Tourism," University of Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain, manager and World Conversation Club host, EFL Bridges,
Webpublishing in Open Participatory Environments
Barbara Dieu, EFL teacher, Franco Brazilian secondary school, São Paulo; Patricia Glogowski, ESL teacher, York University English Language Institute (YUELI); Scott Lockman, English teacher, Japan's first podcaster :; Nicholas Noakes, Director, Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ( ); Graham Stanley, EFL Teacher and ICT co-ordinator at the British Council in Barcelona, Spain, co-moderator, "ELT Podcasting Yahoo group," at
Report by Robb Scott
2007 ESL MiniConference Online
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