Dave Hopkins Festschrift
Cross-Cultural Colleague by Tadashi Shiozawa
My Former Student by Ray Clark
A Man with Verve by Diane Larsen-Freeman
Shining Star by Saad Saleh
Tough Love by Marc Helgesen
Kindred Spirit by Bruce A. Veldhuisen
TESOL Standard Bearer by Robb Scott
A Job Well Done by Steve Wade
David Hopkins Festschrift on the ESL MiniConference
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A Job Well Done
Contributed by Steve Wade
Back in 2000 I found myself in Ban Phe, Thailand on a 120hr TESOL course, and after the first couple of training sessions I knew I had made the right choice for my cert training. Dave Hopkins was the lead trainer and his knowledge, enthusiasm, training style and overall professionalism really helped make the course a wonderful experience for me.
Since then, I have worked with Dave on one or two projects and his guidance has been invaluable. His passion for language, teaching and learning is quite extraordinary. Dave isn't a young man anymore, sorry Dave, so I really do not know where he gets his energy from, but I certainly would like to drink out of that cup!
The world of English language teaching is a better place for having Dave Hopinks in it for so long, so when the time does finally arrive and he packs away his books, and stops quoting Larsen Freeman, Pinker, Chomsky and the rest, settles in at home with his feet up and a cold beer, he will have the satisfaction of knowing that his working life was a job well done, very well done indeed.
Cheers, Dave
Steve Wade
EAL Teacher
2012 ESL MiniConference Online