Resources and Training for ESL/EFL Teachers

Spring 09

Jodi Crandall at TALGS

AM Sessions at TALGS

Are You Experienced? TEFL Life Unveils Its ITA Program

Retroactive Benefits for ESL Adjuncts?

Achievement Profile: Angela DiCostanzo


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ESL MiniConference Online!

Angela DiCostanzo
Showing Care and Respect for Our Students

Angela DiCostanzo

1. What is your main ESL activity now?

I have been teaching English to international students hoping to study at an American university. Soon, I will be teaching English to university students in Cambodia.

2. How did you start your ESL related career?

I started out in social work. I was helping refugee families get adjusted to the US, and I ended up teaching basic English classes at their request.

3. What are some of the language/culture backgrounds with which you are most familiar?

South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, China, Mexico

4. If you had to give three pieces of advice to a new teacher working with English language learners, what would these be?

1) Show students that you care about them and that you respect their native language and culture.

2) Encourage students to do extensive pleasure reading in English and let them choose their own books.

3) Provide specific feedback that will help them improve.

5. What do you see as the most important issues facing the ESL/EFL language teaching profession today?

Balancing attention to meaning and form/accuracy

Interview by Robb Scott

2009 ESL MiniConference Online

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