By Robert Bruce Scott
Instructions: Under each rule category, choose the descriptor which best fits the speaker's contributions. Award the speaker the corresponding number of points in that category. Finally, give an assessment of how well the student followed the cooperative principle, on a scale of one to twenty points. Total possible points is 100.
0 rambling uncontrollably
5 too much extraneous information
15 too much detail, but message and direction clear
20 appropriate
15 lacking in detail, but message and direction clear
5 essential information lacking
0 silence
0 central statement is contrary to fact
5 central statement could be true, but faulty reason given
10 central statement could be true, no reason given
15 central statement probably true, no reason given
20 central statement nicely supported by reasons
0 nonsense (non-sequiturs)
5 bordering on nonsense, but touching topic
10 each statement has some relationship to preceding ones
15 statements often directly connected to previous ones
20 relevant contributions every time
0 disorganized and ambiguous
5 loosely organized and ambiguous
10 loosely organized and clear
15 well organized, but ambiguous
20 well organized and clear (perspicuous)
From: "The Use of Flowcharts and Logic to Teach Conversational Skills in Advanced ESL Classes," by Robert Bruce Scott (Master's, University of Kansas, 1984), document available on ERIC microfiche, 1985, ED 247 744.