KATESOL/BE 2006 Conference set for February 3rd and 4th at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas! (For early bird information: early2006@katesol.org) or go to www.katesol.org/spring2006.
Dr. Della Pérez, New KATESOL President
Click here for Agenda from KATESOL General Membership Meeting (June 9, 2005)
Kansas TESOL has a new president: Dr. Della Pérez, Assistant Professor and Associate Director for Undergraduate Programming, as well as the Title III Coordinator/Instructor,
in the CLASSIC ESL/Dual Language Program at Kansas State University. Dr. Pérez was elected First Vice-President by the members of KATESOL/BE, and was promoted by the KATESOL/BE Executive Board to the post of President at a board meeting on June 9th, during the three-day Kansas Migrant Ed Conference in Wichita.
Other new officers attending the board meeting in Wichita were: Nicole Guerrero, Member-at-Large; and Arla Jones, Newsletter Editor. Co-editing the KATESOL/BE
Newsletter is Kim Kreicker, who also attended the board meeting in an ex-oficio
role. Continuing board members from the previous year are: Debra Stevens, Secretary/Treasurer; Stephanie McGinley, Member-at-Large; and Robb Scott,
Second Vice-President.
The promotion of Della Pérez to the post of President left vacant the post
of First Vice-President, an officer responsible for chairing the upcoming
KATESOL/BE Annual Conference, and then, the following year (2006-2007),
becoming President of the organization. At the general membership meeting
late Thursday afternoon, June 9th, 2005, at the Wichita Migrant Ed Conference,
Dr. Pérez announced a snap by-election for First Vice-President, and nominated
Dr. Socorro Herrera (Director of the CLASSIC ESL/Dual Language Program at
K-State and advocate for culturally and linguistically diverse students).
Several KATESOL/BE members simultaneously seconded this nomination, and
Dr. Katherine Langan (of Sterling College) moved that Socorro Herrera
be elected by acclamation, which was seconded and approved unanimously.
Dr. Socorro Herrera is the newly elected First Vice-President of KATESOL/BE,
and she will serve as conference chair when K-State hosts the annual
KATESOL/BE Conference this coming spring.
KATESOL/BE Newsletter Co-Editors Arla Jones and Kim Kreicker met
during the afternoon of June 9th in Wichita with Della Pérez, new
KATESOL/BE President, and Robb Scott, KATESOL Webmaster.
Arla Jones,
Dr. Kreicker, and Dr. Pérez decided that the hard-copy newsletter
will go out four times a year, and that the next edition will be
published and sent to members in August or early September. There
are also plans to coordinate more effectively between the newsletter
and the KATESOL Web site, and utilize e-mail to keep members up
to date and to include members more consistently in the decisions,
advocacy and planning within our organization. Arla Jones and
Kim Kreicker are asking members to submit notes and short articles
to be included in the next newsletter. They will be contacting
members directly by e-mail in the next few weeks.
At the general membership meeting, Dr. Della Pérez, KATESOL President,
announced that Kansas State University is very happy to be hosting
the next KATESOL/BE Annual Conference in Manhattan, and that the
dates would be in either February or March, 2006, making sure to accommodate
the schedules of as many members as possible and also not to conflict
with the TESOL or NABE conferences. Several members voiced their
interest in KATESOL coordinating with the Kansas Adult Education
Association (KAEA) on future workshops or conferences, and reaching
out more to the many adult educators in Kansas who teach English
to the parents and caregivers of the culturally and linguistically
diverse PreK-12 students in the state.
Click for information about the upcoming annual
conference of the Kansas Adult Educators Association,
February 22-24, 2006, in Salina! (Note: Kelly Mobray, President
of KAEA, is a member of the 2005 KATESOL/BE Honor Roll.)
Enjoy the MIDTESOL Annual Conference, in Clayton, Missouri,
October 21-22, 2005!
Announcing the 43rd Annual Kansas CEC Conference, in Wichita,
October 13-14, 2005!
Please read and share these 10 Frequently Asked Questions on ELLs and ESOL, provided recently by Melanie Stuart, of KSDE.
Visit the KATESOL History Project
Instructions from KSDE on Kansas English Language Proficiency
Assessment for April-May 2005 NCLB Testing Window
Announcing this year's KATESOL/BE Honor Roll Recipients!
Click for information about KATESOL/BE 2005
Read the KATESOL/BE Response to the Indian Ocean Disaster
(Click here to see how you can help.)
Thank you to Governor Kathleen Sebelius for her welcome letter
(Click here to view the letter)
Thanks to Education Matters for Announcing KATESOL/BE 2005
(KSDE's Technology Assistance for Kansas Educators, at www.taken.org)
Thanks to the Jones Institute for Excellence in Education
(For Strong Support and Conference Planning at Emporia State University)
Thanks to the University of Oklahoma's Region VII Comprehensive Center
(For linking to KATESOL/BE 2005 from their "Help for Schools" page)
Muchas gracias a la Asociación Costarricense de Profesores de Inglés
(Por haber incluido información acerca de KATESOL/BE 2005 en sus paginas)
Thank you to ABAX America LLC
(For including KATESOL/BE 2005 in your upcoming events)
MIDTESOL Annual Conference was October 22-23, 2004
Read the story about the Diversity Institute from the Garden City Telegram!
Report from June Migrant Ed Conference in Wichita
Report from March KATESOL/BE Conference in Hays
Message from the President of KATESOL/BE
This page was last updated on 09/05/2005.