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Book Reviews
May 2003

Longman Basic Dictionary of American English 
Pearson Education Limited

 Format:  The Longman Basic Dictionary of American English is an excellent dictionary for young learners. I teach in a special education classroom of fifth and sixth graders. I also have some ESOL students at the same levels. Several of these students have used this dictionary in the last week and have found it to be very user friendly. The definitions are written simply, but with enough detail for understanding. There are a few pictures throughout the book, but the best ones are the series of pages in the center of the book. There are several theme pages in full color dealing with such things as animals, space, and prepositions. I would recommend this dictionary to any elementary teacher and any ESOL or SPED teacher. I look forward to getting more of the dictionaries for my students.

Reviewed by:
Pam Hernandez, Goodland Schools USD 352

Newcomer Phonics
Kaye Wiley
Pearson Education Limited

This phonics book is put together by units over different aspects of phonics, such as short vowels. Each unit consists of matching sentences to pictures, fill in the blank, a short story, and a review page. The pages are colorful and have bright cheerful pictures, some drawn and some photographs. The directions are easy the read and follow. I have used this book for a week with my ESOL and SPED students and they really enjoy it. They are able to complete the pages on their own or with minimal help. I would recommend this book to any introductory class of ESOL or SPED students.  

Reviewed by:
Pam Hernandez, Goodland Schools USD 352


New Parade – 4
Mario Herrera and Theresa Zanatta
Pearson Education Limited

This book is divided into units based on everyday activities or knowledge. There are units about health, eating, days & dates, and dinosaurs to name a few. Each unit has several activities such as fill in the blank, reading a short passage or drawing something. The pages are bright and colorful. The directions are very easy to read and follow. I have used this book the past week with my ESOL and SPED students and they have been able to complete the activities with little or no instruction from me. They seem to enjoy the activities and are increasing their vocabularies and knowledge bases. I would recommend this book to anyone with lower level learners.  

Reviewed by:
Pam Hernandez, Goodland Schools USD 352