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KATESOL Annual Business Meeting
April 5, 2003

Minutes submitted by Bernice Altenhofen, KATESOL Secretary/Treasurer

Minutes of April 5, 2003 Annual KATESOL Business Meeting


The annual meeting of the KATESOL membership was held on April 5, 2003 at FHSU. 

The meeting was called to order by Don Blackman at 1:00.

The treasurer reported that the balance in the account is currently approximately $6, 800.  (Detailed report in attached.  Actual balance is $6,858.82)   Bills for this annual conference are not in but it is anticipated that they will run between $1200 and $1500.

Old business included a follow-up discussion of KABE joining KATESOL.  Christopher Renner moved that KATESOL combine with KABE - now defunct- as proposed over one year ago, that KATESOL become a member of both the TESOL and NABE organizations: as such, KATESOL changes it’s name to KATESOL/BE.  Kathi Firns/Hubert seconded the motion.   Mary Head amended the motion that this be done as long as the process was not in violation of the by laws.  Robb Scott further amended the motion that if the vote is in violation of the bylaws that the matter be addressed as the by laws state.

The motion carried.

Other old business included a discussion of terms of office.  Board members reported that the current board was not in favor of extended terms.  No further action was taken.  Para Training was the final topic under Old Business.  Discussion indicated that there are still concerns in this area especially surrounding the new para test and that KATESOL will continue to look for ways to support paras in this area.

Under New Business, Mary Head reported on her trip to TESOL.  Edith Palmberg also attended.  It was suggested that KATESOL look into applying for Speakers Grants from TESOL in the future.

The location of next year’s spring conference was discussed.    The pros and cons of a permanent place for a yearly conference vs. movement around the state were discussed.  Robb Scott moved that FHSU be the host for the 2004 Spring Conference.  Pearl Taylor seconded.  The motion carried.  

Joyce Drydale made a motion to pay 250.00 into the scholarship fund.  Kathi Firns-Hubert seconded.  The motion carried.

New officers elected for next year include Christopher Renner, president and Robb Scott 1st Vice President.  Angela Rawalt was elected member at large but has informed the board that she can no longer accept this responsibility.   Edith Palmberg nominated Janet Booth to replace Angela on the board.  Robb Scott seconded the motion and it carried.

The meeting was adjourned.


Minutes submitted by: Bernie Altenhofen sec./treas.