Minutes for Jan.
18, 2003 KATESOL Board Meeting
Board Members Present:
Don Blackman, Mary Head, Carol
Thompson, Joyce Drydale, Bernie Altenhofen
The meeting was held at Kansas
Wesleyan College
in Salina. The meeting was called to order by Don
Blackman at 2:00 p.m.
Old Business -
Aides need for additional training
Don reported on possibilities
through Fort Hays
Joyce reported on opportunities in
Wichita area at the technical
college and junior
Carol shared that some aides in
the Wichita area were going to
participate in a pilot of a state test in Pittsburg
in the near future.
Joyce move that we table the
setting up of aide trainings by KATESOL until the
Fall of 2003. Mary seconded the motion and it was passed.
2. Spring conference and annual meeting
Following a discussion Mary moved
that we approach Ft. Hays
State about hosting a one day
session in April. Bernie seconded the
motion and it was passed.
Tentative plans include:
Dates/Space/Food-Don will
check with FSU in reference to hosting the event on
either April 5 (first
choice)or April 12. He will speak with
them about number of rooms needed and organize food for the event.
Newsletter - Once the date
is set Bernie will contact Howard with information to
include in an early
February newsletter That would include
some information about the event and the presenter form, preregistration
form and membership form.
Schedule of Events -
Following registration there will be two 50 min. morning
sessions followed by
lunch/Keynote speaker at 11:00 a.m. The annual business
meeting will be
conducted at 1:00 with a final
session starting at 2:15.
Drawings will be conducted between
Presentations - Bernie will
contact Dr. Herrerra (KSU) as a possible keynote
Joyce will accept presentation
proposals and keep the rest of the board
informed as to those
that come in. She will also coordinate
of presentations.
Book room- Mary will
contact publishers.
Centerpieces - Joyce will
follow up the possibility of using ELL books/material as a centerpiece to be
given to someone sitting at the table
Pre-registration forms/fees -
Bernie will collect and keep board members informed
of the numbers that
come in.
New Business
Nominations for officers
Mary will coordinate
nominations. Don volunteered to check
with one potential candidate. Mary will
contact others.
Names need to be published in the
Feb. Newsletter. A ballot will be sent
out with the newsletter.
Delegate to TESOL
Don indicated that he cannot go
this year. Mary will check with her
district. We
need to send two
delegates. Mary will check with E. Palmburg to see if she is planning to attend.
Joyce moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mary seconded. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Bernie Altenhofen
Sec./Treasurer KATESOL